I can't believe that I have not visited my own blog in so long. Time Flies.
I have not been doing much of anything. Busy season at work..actually both jobs are in their busy season ... and then with the heat and humidity I go home drained....so I've been reading. I just finished my second Jodi Picoult book that my daughter insisted I read. My Sisters Keeper is a very good book..and it really makes you think. I hear there is or going to be a TV movie out for it. It may already be out in the States but we cannot get it here yet.
I did go to my son's in London for holiday Monday and had a visit with him. It was their annual RibFest but by the time we went to go the rain had started. Oh well..it's all good.
I have been making some table runners - no pics yet - from scraps. I really do want to start another quilt! There is just so many choices for fabrics and quilts..it's crazy! It is driving ME crazy. First I like one, then I like another one, then it's this colour and then that colour..and on and on I go.
When my daughter hears that I went to a quilt store she just about hyperventilates... she wants to know where HER quilt is. Well princess, it is beside the machine waiting to get quilted...geez .. where do you think it is. So maybe I can't decide what quilt to make next as I am feeling a little..okay...maybe ALOT guilty that I have not finished hers yet. But her birthday is coming in January 2009 and she never really said "which" birthday she wanted it for.
This is a rag quilt that I made 2 years ago. I made one for each of my kids. My Out of Province BFF had made a Christmas rag quilt and I really liked it so I had to try also. Hers was detailed ..mine is simple. So when I was in the States I bought some homespun fabric....Well I was happier then a pig in *#!& when I got it so cheap..come home - cut it all out...then realized I forgot to double the quantity for the backing..Oh great...off I go to Len's Mill Fabric Store who had a terrible selection to start with and ended up paying
three times as much for the back as I did for
both of the tops....

This next picture was a panel I picked up at the Creative Sewing Festival in April 2007. When my other friends father passed away last September she kept reciting the Serenity Prayer over and over. So I took that panel...did some bead embellishment on the wreath and wrote out the prayer with a black Pigma pen and stippled it. She now has it hanging in her guest bedroom.

I was quite pleased with how it turned out.
Below is a mirror frame that I want to paint. It is not primed here but I do have that much done. While I was in London on Monday I went to Home Depot and picked up a quart of Ralph Lauren paint for $22.00. It had better go on like silk..actually for that price it should get itself out of the can and get on there all by itself. I wanted a dark brown/black and Ralph was the only one that had a colour even close to what I wanted. It is called Turret Stairs..and it is all because of this blog:
http://southernhospitality-rhoda.blogspot.com/ Love her site and how she decorates with refurbished estate and garage sale finds. If I lived down there in Atlanta I would be following her all around
every weekend.

That's all for today...Thanks for stopping by.