I love garage sales..but I have not been able to get to any this summer. That changed this morning at 7:30 am while I was reading the paper and having my coffee. The ad said "Quilters Dream" several "bags of material". The sale was up the road. I threw on some clothes and flew up there like a 747 Jet. Well the material was nothing to get excited about.. at least not by me. It was mostly polyester and other unknown fibre. So it stayed there. I would never use it. But these things came home with me. Two baskets, flower pot, two wrought iron bicycles...and three Anne Geddes pictures (still in the car) for my daughter. All of it came to $ 5.00.

Then there are these: Who knew someone could get so excited over candles?? Oh, but wait..I am not using them for candles..I will use them as RULERS to mark squiggly lines on some table runners I am making. Oh yes I will, and I am sure they will work just fine. Price - $0.00 - the lady thought I was nuts so she gave them to me..
But the score of the day was a drafting table (still at the sellers house until pickup). I want to use that to draw some pattern ideas....and for a cutting table. It was only $15.00.
It's going to be a good day!