Jan 10, 2010

One Down

The following quilt is the first one of the New Year. I ordered all the fabric from Connecting Threads..Fantastic Prices..The fat quarters were 12.80 for 22 pieces..the yardage was 5.96 and the thread was 1.59. Cheapest quilt I ever made. In Ontario we just do not see those kind of prices of a entire collection. I really liked the thread too.. I liked the fabric (though I haven't washed it yet) but I did not like that the selvage was the same colour as the rest of it. I am so used to the white selvage that I kept forgetting to cut it off so the blocks ended up smallers then I wanted. I knew when I ordered this that I was going to just make a big block quilt - quick & simple as seen on http://www.allpeoplequilt.com/ . So had to adjust the borders a bit due to my impatience ~ but it is one of my favorite.
First pic is of outside. Second shows the back. I just love the colours.

I took the entire crate of scraps I showed the other day and spent 3 days cutting them down into useful size pieces - anywhere from .75 to 1.75 inch. Then I cut the white stripes into 1.25" strips and put them down the centre with white on each corner to have one focus fabric to "ground" it or "neutralize" it. I want to use the scraps but I needed some kind of constant. I am going to make a string quilt, then pass on the remaining to my friend in town and then mail the rest to out of province friend. After that ... I do not want them back. It's funny how I can remember each and every fabric in there. 

I have decided that I am going to finish all my UFO's and use up most of what I have due to the price of batting. I use the Arctic Bamboo batting and right now it is $16.49 a metre..Crrrrraaaaazzzzy prices!! A friend of mine is going to Ohio at the end of the month and I am thinking of ordering the  Warm & Natural on a bolt but I don't really like it as much as the bamboo. I find it is thinner then it used to be and wonder how the hell is that think piece of cotton suppose to keep anyone warm.
That's all for now.
Take Care


BitnByAQuiltingBug said...

Beautiful quilt! I, too, love Connecting Threads. Before Christmas I bought about 60 yards because they had about 15 lines of fabric on sale for 50% off. That sale is still going on! And their fabric feels like butter....my favorite food! Giggle!

Jackie's Stitches said...

I love your quilt - your choice of borders is perfect for it!

I can't imagine buying batting by the bolt...but then again it takes me so long to finish anything!

Uschi said...

What an amazing quilt! I just love how you did the border. I buy fabric also from Connecting Threads and never had a problem. The fabric washes very nicely. The sale they had in December was truly a bargin shoppers delite! Was so excited when my shopping spree from C.T.came in the mail. Will keep me busy for a year. lol